jueves, 10 de julio de 2008

MARS - Actualizacion 5.3.5 (2934)

Hoy he estado actualizando CS-MARS con la version 5.3.5. Aqui os dejo como hacerlo:

[pnadmin]$ pnupgrade alex alex
Downloading ...
######################################################################## 100.0%
Upgrading ... - Stopping CS-MARS applications : #
- Updating MARS applications : #
- Importing data : #
- Signature upgrade ...
- Signature upgrade success
- Rebooting ...

Broadcast message from root (pts/0) (Wed Jun 25 09:16:44 2008):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!

Broadcast message from root (pts/0) (Wed Jun 25 09:16:44 2008):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!

+ +
+ CS-MARS - Monitoring, Analysis and Response System +
+ version : 5.3.5 (2934) +
lbilara login: pnadmin
Last login: Wed Jun 25 09:09:53 on ttyS0

CS MARS - Mitigation and Response System

? for list of commands

[pnadmin]$ pnupgrade log
5.3.4 2901 --> 5.3.5 2934
1 Preparing upgrade start
1.1 Load the step table start
1.1 Load the step table end
1.2 Stop pnmonitor start
1.2 Stop pnmonitor end
1.3 Stop jboss start
1.3 Stop jboss end
1.4 Stop other applications start
1.4 Stop other applications end
1 Preparing upgrade end
3 Upgrade schema start
3.1 Run upgrade schema script start
3.1 Run upgrade schema script end
3.2 Backup schema script start
3.2 Backup schema script end
3 Upgrade schema end
4 Upgrade MARS applications start
4.1 Untar MARS executable binary start
4.2 Untar MARS executable binary end
4.3 Modify janus.conf start
4.3 Modify janus.conf end
4.4 Swap MARS executable binary start
4.4 Swap MARS executable binary end
4.5 Run post-unpack-deployment start
4.5 Run post-unpack-deployment end
4 Upgrade MARS applications end
5 Upgrade data start
5.1 Start jboss start
5.1 Start jboss end
5.2 Importing signature data start
5.2 Importing signature data end
5.3 regenerate xml start
5.3 regenerate xml end
5 Upgrade data end
6 reboot ...
Upgrade from 5.3.4 2901 to 5.3.5 2934 finished.[pnadmin]$

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