martes, 2 de septiembre de 2008

Nuevas versiones de Cisco MARS 4.3.6 y 5.3.6

Hoy he estado actualizando nuestro CS-MARS con la versoin 5.3.6, ya que teniamos un monton de entradas del estilo "Unknown User (unknown) Database insert".
La informacion del bug que corrigen esta version es la siguiente:

Cisco have released MARS 4.3.6 and 5.3.6.
Theres no new features in this release, but a major fix.

The following changes and enhancements exist in 4.3.6 and 5.3.6:
•Resolution of issue introduced in x.3.4 release. The driver for the x.3.6 release is to correct CSCsr47032, a defect introduced in x.3.4 that results in the database gradually filling up with unneeded audit logs. This defect can lead to a file system overflow when archiving is enabled or exporting is used for migration purposes.
Customers should upgrade to the x.3.6 release soon as possible to avoid consuming all hard drive space on CS-MARS 20/20R, 25/25R, 50, and 55 models. High-end models are not in danger of disk overflow but may experience a malfunction of archiving and export depending on the quantity of accumulated audit logs.
To determine whether an appliance is affected by this defect, click ADMIN > System Maintenance >View the Audit Trail, and look for messages like "8/18/08 3:50:11 PM PDT Unknown User (unknown) Database insert: DbReportResult: DbReportResult:215178". If thousands of such messages appear from the previous hour, an upgrade to x.3.6 is strongly recommende

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