jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008

AIP-SSM (Advanced Inspection and Prevention Security Service Module)

Cuando se habla de AIP-SSM (Adaptative Inspection and Prevention Security Service Module) realmente se esta haciendo referencia al modulo IPS que puede ir incorporado en los ASA (Adaptive Security Appliances).
Este modulo tiene un interface para administrarlo independientemente del ASA y el rendimiento teórico máximo de monitorización varía dependiendo de la plataforma:
• 300 Mbps con Cisco ASA 5510
• 375 Mbps con Cisco ASA 5520
• 450 Mbps con Cisco ASA 5540

Aqui hay un ejemplo sacado de un AIP-SSM:

aipssm# sh ver
Application Partition:
Cisco Intrusion Prevention System, Version 6.0(5)E2

Realm Keys key1.0
Signature Definition:
Signature Update S339.0 2008-06-11
Virus Update V1.4 2007-03-02
OS Version: 2.4.30-IDS-smp-bigphys
Platform: ASA-SSM-20
Serial Number: JAFxxx904RM
Licensed, expires: 29-Oct-2008 UTC
Sensor up-time is 3 days.
Using 1023840256 out of 2093600768 bytes of available memory (48% usage)
system is using 17.7M out of 29.0M bytes of available disk space (61% usage)
application-data is using 48.3M out of 166.8M bytes of available disk space (31% usage)
boot is using 38.6M out of 68.6M bytes of available disk space (59% usage)

MainApp N-2008_JUN_06_02_35 (Release) 2008-06-06T03:23:18-0500 Running
AnalysisEngine N-2008_JUN_06_02_35 (Release) 2008-06-06T03:23:18-0500 Running
CLI N-2008_JUN_06_02_35 (Release) 2008-06-06T03:23:18-0500

Upgrade History:
IPS-K9-6.0-5-E2 06:15:14 UTC Tue Jun 24 2008

Recovery Partition Version 1.1 - 6.0(5)E2

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